JKPAYSYS Salary Slip 2024

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JKPAYSYS Salary Slip 2024 | JKPAYSYS Salary Slip 2024: Employee Pay Slip Download @ jkpaysys.gov.in

JKPAYSYS Salary Slip:- Government workers can view and download their pay slips and related documents via the Jammu and Kashmir Pay System, an online platform.

In the state, downloading the JKPAYSYS Salary Slip is very simple. With just one click, users can now view their salary details and pay their expenses.

To obtain their pay stub and complete bill payment, they can do it without having to go to the payroll department or any other relevant departments. Read below to check the detailed information related to JKPAYSYS Pay Manager

JKPAYSYS – Jammu and Kashmir Pay System

For Drawing and Distributing Officers (DDOs), JKPAYSYS, also known as PayManager, is a unified and integrated platform that allows them to create a variety of invoices. This is an online payment system intended for J&K employees of the government department.

In addition to offering pay bill preparation services, JK Payment System helps users prepare bonuses, leave encashment bills, delinquent dividends, arrears, etc. The National Informatics Centre created and developed the JK Pay system, which is overseen by the J&K Government’s Finance Department (NIC).

Benefits of JKPAYSYS Salary Slip

There are several benefits for the government and its employees due to the introduction of JKPAYSYS in the central region of J&K. Being an IT based tool, it reduced the paperwork and made the process a lot more stressful.

This online platform provides transparency, reduces system errors and reduces stress. Here, users experience real-time generation and delivery of data, including salaries, premiums, rewards, and other relevant information.

Steps to Download JKPAYSYS Salary Slip 2024

  • First of all, go to the official website to Request the form for Paysys Login By PAO i.e., https://jkpaysys.gov.in/
  • The homepage of the website will open on the screen
Steps to Download JKPAYSYS Salary Slip


  • Click on the Salary Slip link
  • The login page will open on your screen
  • Now, enter your Employee code, first name, year, and verification code
  • After that, click on the Submit button
  • The Salary slip will open on your screen
  • Now, download the salary slip and take out its print out it for your reference

Steps to Request Form for Paysys Login by PAO

  1. First of all, go to the official website to Request form for Paysys Login By PAO i.e., https://jkpaysys.gov.in/
  2. The homepage of the website will open on the screen
  3. Click on the Request form for Paysys Login (by PAO) link
  4. A PDF of the Application form will open on the screen
  5. Download the form and take out its printout
  6. Now, fill in the form with all the required details like Parent Department, PAO Designation, PAO Office Name, Concerned Treasury, PAO Bank Branch, PAO Bank A/C number, PAO TAN Number, PAO Mobile Number, Official Email ID, etc
  7. After that, submit the form to the concerned officials
  8. Finally, after verification of the request form, the  user login will be created

Steps to Request Form for Paysys Login by DDO

  1. First of all, go to the official website to Request form for Paysys Login By PAO i.e., https://jkpaysys.gov.in/
  2. The homepage of the website will open on the screen
  3. Click on the Request form for Paysys Login (by DDO) link
  4. A PDF of the Application form will open on the screen
  5. Download the form and take out its printout
  6. Now, fill in the form with all the required details like DDO Department, DDO Designation, DDO Office Name, DDO Treasury Concerned, DDO AG Code, DDO Bank Branch, DDO Bank A/C number, DDO TAN Number, DDO Mobile Number, Official Email ID, DDO GST Number, DDO NSDL Number, etc
  7. After that, submit the form to the concerned officials
  8. Finally, after verification of the request form, the  user login will be created

Steps to Login on the JKPAYSYS Portal

  1. First of all, go to the official website to Request the form for Paysys Login By PAO i.e., https://jkpaysys.gov.in/
  2. The homepage of the website will open on the screen
  3. Under the Login window, enter your registered user name, password, and the captcha code
  4. After that, click on the login button to get logged in to your registered account

Steps to Know Your CpisId

  1. First of all, go to the official website to Request form for Paysys Login By PAO i.e., https://jkpaysys.gov.in/
  2. The homepage of the website will open on the screen
  3. Click on the Know Your CpisId link
  4. A new page will open on the screen
  5. Now, enter all the required details like date of birth, Pan Number, Gpf Number/NPS Number
  6. After that, enter the captcha code
  7. Finally, click on the show button and Your CpisId will display on your screen


Q. How are DDO details updated?

Ans. Click on the Masters option in the DDO Checker level login to change the DDO data. For guidance, consult the manual.

Q.What to do in case the CPIS employee fetch fails?

Ans When retrieving an employee from CPIS, make sure the DDO AG Code in PAYSYS and CPIS are the same. Enter your PaySys login information now, then select Employee Info > Fetch CPIS Bulk Data.

JKPAYSYS Salary Slip 2024 | JKPAYSYS Salary Slip 2024: Employee Pay Slip Download @ jkpaysys.gov.in
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