Agriculture Infrastructure Fund Scheme

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Agriculture Infrastructure Fund Scheme 2024: Eligibility, Guidelines, Interest Rate @

Agricultural Infrastructure Fund Scheme:- The Government of India has introduced several schemes to provide various benefits to the agricultural sector. Through these schemes, financial incentives are provided to the farmers. Recently, the Government of India has launched the Agricultural Infrastructure Fund Scheme.


This program will improve agricultural management. This article will cover all the important details about the system. You will know all about Agriculture Infrastructure Fund Scheme by visiting this article.

Objective Of Agriculture Infrastructure Fund Scheme

The main objective of the Agriculture Infrastructure Fund Scheme is to provide a long-term debt facility for investment in viable projects for post-harvest management infrastructure and community farming assets. This assistance will be provided through incentives and financial support so that the agricultural sector of the country can be improved.

Benefits of this scheme will be provided to farmers, Agri entrepreneurs, startups, etc. With the implementation of this scheme, the standard of living of farmers will be improved.

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Other than that farmers will also become self-dependent. Improvement of infrastructure facilities will also increase the income of the farmers. This scheme will also help in improving the overall economy of the country as the majority of citizens of India belong to the agriculture sector

Main Features Of Agriculture Infrastructure Fund Scheme

These policies will be in line with both Central and State Government policies The Project Management Team will provide hands-on support for the project, including project preparation The size of the budget under the scheme is about Rs 1 lakh crore Loan guarantees up to Rs 2 crore will be provided The government is going to provide interest subsidy of 3% per annum with a limit of Rs 2 crore per project

There will be a cap on the amount of loan so that the beneficiary of the interest subsidy reaches the beneficiary If an eligible entity sets up a project in another location,

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the entire project will be eligible under the scheme up to a credit of Rs 2 lakh Each such project must have a local government registration code that is unique to its location Supported benefits are available for a maximum of 7 years Deferred payments under the Finance Department may vary over a minimum period of 6 months and a minimum of 2 years

Implementation Period Of The Scheme

  1. Implemented period of this scheme is from 2020-21 to 2032-33
  2. Loan disbursement under this scheme will be completed in 6 years
  3. The projects amounting to about ₹4000 crores have been sanctioned in the financial year 2020
  4. The government is going to disburse the balance amount of ₹96000 crores in the coming years
  5. ₹16000 crores will be disbursed in 2021-22 and ₹20000 crore will be disbursed in the next 4 years till 2022-23 to 2025-26
  6. The repayment of the financing facility will be for a maximum period of 7 years which include a moratorium period of 2 years

Eligible Projects Under Agriculture Infrastructure Fund Scheme

  1. Supply chain services which include e-marketing platform
  2. Warehouses
  3. Silos
  4. Pack houses
  5. Assaying units
  6. Sorting and grading units
  7. Cold chains
  8. Logistic facilities
  9. Primary processing centres
  10. Ripening chambers

Number Of Projects Per Entity Eligible Under The Scheme

  1. The government is going to provide interest subvention for loans up to 2 crores in one location
  2. If one eligible entity puts a project in a different location then all those projects will be eligible under the scheme for a loan of Rs 2 crore
  3. For private sector entities, there will be a limit of a maximum of 25 such project
  4. This limitation of 25 projects will not be applicable to state Agencies, natural and state federations of the cooperative, federation of FPO, and federation of SHGS
  5. The APMC will be eligible for multiple projects within their designated market area
  6. For such cases, interest subvention for a loan up to Rs 2 crore will be provided for each project of different infrastructure types within the designated market area

Procedure To Register Under Agriculture Infrastructure Fund Scheme

  • First of all, go to the official website of departmental agriculture and farmer welfare
  • The home page will appear before you
Agriculture Infrastructure Fund Scheme
  • On the homepage, you are required to click on the beneficiary
  • Now you have to click on the registration
Agriculture Infrastructure Fund Scheme
  • A new page will appear before you
  • On this page, you have to enter your name, mobile number, and Aadhar number
  • After that, you have to click on send OTP
  • Now you will receive an OTP
  • After that, you have to enter the OTP into the OTP box and click on verify
  • After that, you will be redirected to a new page
  • On this page, you have to enter all the required details
  • After that you have to click on submit
  • Now you will receive a beneficiary id on your mobile number
  • You have to log in to the portal by using the beneficiary id
  • After that, you have to fill out the application form by entering all the required details
  • Now you have to upload all the required documents
  • After that you have to click on submit
  • By following this procedure you can register under the scheme

Agriculture Infrastructure Fund Scheme Login On The Portal

  • Go to the official website of departmental agriculture and farmer welfare
  • The home page will appear before you
  • Now you are required to click on the login
Login On The Portal
  • The Login form will appear before you
  • In this form, you have to enter the login credentials and click on the login
  • By following this procedure you can log in on the portal

Get Details Regarding Eligible Projects

  • First of all, go to the official website of departmental agriculture and farmer welfare
  • The home page will appear before you
  • Now on the home page, you are required to click on eligible projects
Regarding Eligible Projects
  • A new page will appear on your screen
  • On this page, you can get details regarding eligible projects

Procedure To Get Details Regarding Fund Allocation

  • Go to the official website of departmental agriculture and farmer welfare
  • The home page will appear before you
  • On the home page, you are required to click on fund allocation
Regarding Fund Allocation
  • You will be redirected to a new page
  • On this page, you can get details regarding fund allocation

Procedure To Get Details Regarding Lending Institutions

  • Visit the official website of departmental agriculture and farmer welfare
  • The home page will appear before you
  • Now you have to click on the lending institution
  • The Following options will appear on your screen:-
    • Eligible institution
Agriculture Infrastructure Fund Scheme
  • Interest rates
Get Details Regarding Lending Institutions
  • You have to click on the option of your choice
  • Require details will be on your computer screen

PM Fasal Bima Status 2024


Q.What is the agriculture Infrastructure Fund?

Ans.The scheme shall provide a medium - long term debt financing facility for investment in viable projects for post-harvest management Infrastructure and community farming assets through interest subvention and financial support.

Q.Who is eligible for AIF scheme?

Ans.Individuals, group of farmers/ growers. Registered Farmer Producer Organizations, Partnership/ Proprietary firms. Companies, Corporations, NGOs, Self Help Groups (SHGs)

Q.What is the interest rate of agriculture infrastructure fund loan?

Ans.For loans upto ₹2 Cr, AIF provides 3 % interest subvention with a cap of 9% on ROI ,credit guarantee support by way of payment of CGTMSE fee.


Agriculture Infrastructure Fund Scheme 2024: Eligibility, Guidelines, Interest Rate @
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