NUA O Scholarship List

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NUA O Scholarship List 2024 Pdf Download, Village/ District Wise | NUA O ସ୍କଲାରସିପ୍ ତାଲିକା |

ଆପଣ ସମସ୍ତ କୃଷକ ବନ୍ଧୁମାନେ ବ୍ଲଗ୍ କୁ ହୃଦୟରୁ ସ୍ୱାଗତ | ଆଜିର ଆର୍ଟିକିଲରେ, ଆମେ ଆଲୋଚନା କରିବୁ କଳା ଚାଉଳ କିପରି ଚାଷ କରାଯାଏ? (କଳା ଚାଉଳ କିପରି ଚାଷ କରାଯାଏ) ଆପଣ ଏଗୁଡ଼ିକ ବିଷୟରେ ସମ୍ପୂର୍ଣ୍ଣ ସୂଚନା ପାଇବେ |

Nua o Scholarship List:- The official website of the national scholarship portal provides NUA O Scholarship List  Odisha for students to download. A student whose name appears on the list can study without worrying about money.

Odisha Motor Vehicle Welfare Yojana

The list of student forms is used to prepare the institutional eligibility list. Student test results will be the deciding factor in admissions. More about this list can be found in the article below.

Odisha NUA-O Scholarship List Details in Highlights

Name NUA O Scholarship List
Launched byState Scholarship Portal
ObjectiveProviding scholarship
Launch date12 Feb 2024
BeneficiariesSelected students


Objective of Odisha NUA O Scholarship List

Since it can be difficult to verify the status of an application at times, the  NUA O Scholarship List Odisha is made available on the official website for you to view the recipients of the scholarship. The merit list is then provided to the organization.

Odisha LAccMI Scheme

Assisting students in verifying whether their names appear on the list is the primary goal of the NUA O Scholarship List Odisha. The student whose name appears on this list will receive a monetary award so they can continue their studies without concern for money.

Additionally, you have the option to download the list based on the months in which you completed the application. 

Features of NUA O Scholarship List

The Government of Odisha has launched the new Unnata Abhilash Odisha Scholarship Scheme to provide financial opportunities to construction workers and students belonging to SC/ST families.

Swayam Yojana Odisha 2024

The scholarship will provide Rs 9,000 per annum to male students and Rs 10,000 per annum to female students, so that they can complete their education without worrying about money To be eligible for this scheme, one has to register with the state university government or not . a government-aided college, such as a Sanskrit college.

With these scholarships, students can receive sufficient financial aid to complete their education.

Eligibility for the Nua O Scholarship Scheme 2024

You must first of all be a resident of Odisha. To be eligible for the  NUA O Scholarship List 2024, you must be a graduate or postgraduate. Must have income certificate in accordance with government requirements. If you have a breed certificate, you can also add a breed certificate.

Odisha HAS Portal

Students with their parents working for the government regularly under the  NUA O Scholarship List 2024 are not eligible to avail the benefits of this scheme.

For detailed information about  NUA O Scholarship List 2024, read this article carefully or visit the relevant official website at

How to Check Odisha NUA O Scholarship List 2024?

  1. Students can visit the scholarship’s official website to view the list.
  2. Your screen will display the home page.
  3. You must select NUA O Scholarship from the homepage.
  4. Your screen will load a new webpage.
  5. You must select the Beneficiary List option in this case.
  6. It will open the PDF in front of you.
  7. To save the best PDF to your computer, choose the download button.

Odisha Mamata Yojana 202


Q.How do I check my scholarship status for Nua O?

Q.What is the Objective of Odisha NUA O Scholarship List ?

Ans.Since it can be difficult to verify the status of an application at times, the NUA O Scholarship List Odisha is made available on the official website for you to view the recipients of the scholarship. The merit list is then provided to the organization.

Q.What is the Eligibility for the Nua O Scholarship Scheme 2024 ?

Ans.You must first of all be a resident of Odisha. To be eligible for the Nua O Scholarship Scheme 2024, you must be a graduate or postgraduate. Must have income certificate in accordance with government requirements. If you have a breed certificate, you can also add a breed certificate.


NUA O Scholarship List 2024 Pdf Download, Village/ District Wise | NUA O ସ୍କଲାରସିପ୍ ତାଲିକା |
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