The Telangana government has launched the Rajiv Gandhi Civil Abhay Hastam scheme to support civil service aspirants. The scheme provides financial assistance of ₹1 Lakh to candidates who successfully appear in the Preliminary Examination. Every year, it is expected to benefit approximately 400 candidates from the Telangana region who qualify for the Main Examination. Read the article below for more details about this plan.
Around 400 candidates from Telangana region who qualify for Mains every year will benefit from this scheme. Candidates who qualify for the Mains will receive ₹1 lakh to support their preparation. The financial assistance will be provided by Singreni Collieries Company Limited (SCCL) as part of the "build" initiative. The project aims to encourage more youth from Telangana to pursue government careers.
This results in more representatives. It helps applicants overcome financial challenges. This is so that they can focus on their studies without interruption. This initiative will promote the training of talented and dedicated government officials who can contribute to the nation in a positive way.
Every year, approximately 1.4 million applicants across the country are expected to sit for the Civil Service Preliminary Examination. More than 50,000 candidates from Telangana participated. Generally 400-500 candidates from Telangana will qualify for the first exam from this group.
Q. Can candidates who have previously received assistance apply again?
Ans. No, previous beneficiaries are not eligible to apply again.
Q. Where can I find the official website?
Ans. The official website can be accessed via the Telangana government portal.
Q. When was the scheme launched?
Ans. The scheme was launched on July 20, 2024.
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