West Bengal Chaa Sundari Scheme

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West Bengal Chaa Sundari Scheme 2023-24: Apply Online, Application Form | ChaaSundariSchemeWB | পশ্চি মবঙ্গ চাসুন্দরী প্রকল্প @ aitcofficial.org

Chaa Sundari Scheme:- The concerned authorities of West Bengal have initiated a new scheme to assist all the entrepreneurs engaged in cultivation of tea crop. In this article you will learn about the objectives and benefits of theChaa Sundari Schemein West Bengal.

We will also share with you all the details about the track which will be very useful for you if you want to apply for the scheme and avail the benefits available from the government of West Bengal.

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We have also shared the step by step application process which has been devised by the concerned authorities of West Bengal Government to help Tea Entrepreneurs to apply for the scheme.

West Bengal Chaa Sundari Scheme 2023-24(পশ্চিমবঙ্গ চা সুন্দরী প্রকল্প)

Chaa Sundari Scheme

The government of West Bengal has launched this scheme in order to provide houses to the tea workers in the North Bengal region in the state of West Bengal. The main objective of the scheme is to provide benefits to all tea farmers.

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Benefits will be paid by the Minister of Labor. The scheme will start from September 17, . The houses will be constructed for over 750 families who are currently working to develop tea houses in West Bengal. Food for employees will also be distributed in subsidy form.

Details Of WB Chaa Sundari Scheme 2023-24

NameChaa Sundari Scheme
Launched byWest Bengal Government
BenefitProviding free houses
ObjectiveHelping in the development of the tea labourers
Helping in the development of the tea laborersaitcofficial.org/tag/chaa-sundari/

Objective Of West Bengal Chaa Sundari Scheme 2023-24

Earlier, tea workers earned Rs. 67 as daily wage, the state government will now raise it to Rs 176. Tea workers wages may soon be tested again.

In West Bengal, the BJP is clamoring for a minimum wage, but in neighboring Assam, where the BJP is in power, no such wage has been fixed so far.

The TMC serve said the Mamata Banerjee-led state government is doing a ton of work to develop the tea industry.

The State government has taken up the task of promoting the revival of 3 closed Chaa Sundari Scheme houses in Dooars.

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The Treasury Department has confirmed the comeback of nearby Bandamadhu, Bundapani and Surendranagar tea domains in recent years.

Benefits Of West Bengal Chaa Sundari Scheme 2023-24

The state would offer the property for the construction of housing off its own premises for all the permanent professionals of the tea estate. A total of Rs 500 crore was allocated for the project in the current fiscal.

The announcement comes in a framework The Trinamool is trying to revive its support base in North Bengal by recalling Gathering resolutions in .

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In 2019, the BJP had figured out how to capture eight parliamentary seats a there are seven of the areas, could ensure about the lead in almost all the collecting blocks in the tea belt segment

additionally hinted that climbing tea as a reward since 2011 after Trinamool came to power. The government asked the workers to understand who works for them.

West Bengal Chaa Sundari SchemeApplication Procedure

There is no further information regarding the pending application form for West Bengal Cha Sundari Scheme. No other information was available at the time.

Well let you know all the details as soon as they launch. So please stay with us in the future for all the updates.

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West Bengal Chaa Sundari Scheme FaQ

Q. What is the Chai Sundari scheme in West Bengal?

Ans. The state would give assets for the development of houses for all perpetual specialists of tea bequests without their very own place

Q. What is the scheme for tea workers in West Bengal?

Ans. The management/tea company holding the gardens lease

Q. Which is the first tea industry in West Bengal?

Ans. The first tea garden in Darjeeling was established in 1856 by the Kurseong and Darjeeling Tea company

Q. Which is the famous tea industry in West Bengal?

Ans. Cooch Behar, Darjeeling, and Jalpaiguri

Q. How many tea estates are there in West Bengal?

Ans. 283 tea gardens

Bhabishyat Credit Card Scheme

West Bengal Chaa Sundari Scheme 2023-24: Apply Online, Application Form | Chaa Sundari Scheme WB | পশ্চিমবঙ্গ চা সুন্দরী প্রকল্প @ aitcofficial.org Farmer brothers, if you are given with the information then plz like and share so that other farmer brothers can also be helped.
