West Bengal Snehaloy Housing Scheme 2024

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West Bengal Snehaloy Housing Scheme: Online Registration & Eligibility | স্নেহলয় হাউজিং স্কিম @ wb.gov.in

WB Snehaloy Housing Scheme:- Mamta Banerjee has introduced another scheme which is known as the West Bengal Snehaloy Housing Scheme.

WB Karmai Dharma Scheme 2024

Through the implementation of this scheme, housing facilities will be provided to all of the people of the West Bengal State who have filed their grievances in the Didi ke bolo portal.

WB Bina Mulya Samajik Suraksha Yojana 2024

Today in this article, we will share important aspects of the Snehaloy Housing Scheme. We will share there all the important and necessary aspects.

West Bengal Snehaloy Housing Scheme 2024(পশ্চিমবঙ্গ স্নেহলয় হাউজিং স্কিম )

The chief minister of West Bengal state that is Mamta Banerjee conducted a rally recently and in that rally, she told about the new WB Snehaloy Scheme.

WB Bina Mulya Samajik Suraksha Yojana 2024

Through the implementation of this scheme by Mamta Banerjee, houses will be provided to all of those people who have no roof to hide their heads in weather which is very difficult to live in without houses. 

Mamata Banerjee also said that an application for houses was submitted through the Didi ke bolo portal which was launched a few days back by her.

Details Of WB Snehaloy Housing Scheme

NameWest Bengal Snehaloy Housing Scheme
Launched byMamata Banerjee
ObjectiveProviding housing loan
BeneficiariesResidents Of West Bengal State
Official Website

Benefits Of Snehaloy Housing Scheme

There are many benefits of the West Bengal New Housing Scheme which will be launched by the Chief Minister of West Bengal state that is Mamta Banerjee. One of the main benefits of the Scheme is the availability of houses for people who are not able to afford their own houses.

WB Kharif Paddy Procurement Scheme

Also, it is said by the Chief Minister that the application for the distribution of houses is selected from the complaint that was filed by the residents on the Didi ke Polo portal which is a great initiative in digitalizing the economy.

Scheme Eligibility Criteria

Although the detailed notification about the scheme is not yet opened for the common public of the West Bengal State, we all are aware of the common criteria that need to be taken care of while applying for the scheme. The applicant who is applying for the scheme must be a resident of West Bengal State.

WB Joy Bangla Pension Scheme

Also, only those applicants are available for availing the benefit of houses those who have filed a complaint about no houses in the Didi ke bolo portal.

Application Process Of WB Snehaloy Housing Scheme

There is no Additional Information regarding the west Bengal new housing scheme is available because the CM of West Bengal has recently introduced it. We will inform you of everything through this website as soon as the state government of West Bengal has released it officially. you know that around 25,000 people have made such requests to gain houses.

WB e-District Portal


Q.Who are eligible for Awas Yojana in West Bengal?

Ans.The wife, husband, single daughters and unmarried sons shall be part of the beneficiary family. A recipient family in any region of the nation must not possess a pucca family, either in their name or on behalf of their family member

Q.What is West Bengal new housing scheme?

Ans.Snehaloy Housing Scheme

West Bengal Snehaloy Housing Scheme: Online Registration & Eligibility | স্নেহলয় হাউজিং স্কিম @ wb.gov.in
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