Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana

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Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana | Gram Sadak Yojana : Details , Eligibility | प्रधानमंत्री ग्राम सड़क योजना

Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana:-Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana With the objective of providing rural connectivity,

the Government of India launched the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (referred to as PMGSY-I hereinafter) on 25th December 2000 to provide all-weather access to eligible unconnected habitations with a population of up to 500(Census 2001) in plain area and 250 and above in Special category States

(States of North East, Jammu, and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand), Desert Area as identified by Desert Development Program and 88 selected Backward Districts as identified by the Ministry of Home Affairs/Planning Commission as a strategy for poverty alleviation.

As of 8th December 2021, a total of 6,80,040 km of road length has been constructed under various interventions of Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY). The primary objective of PMGSY concerns building robust, all-weather roads in rural habitations and other core areas.

Panchayati Rajs and elected local representatives decide which habitations to be selected.

Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana was centrally funded only up to 2015-16. Since then, the funds have been divided between the Centre and the State.

For North Eastern and Himalayan States (Jammu & Kashmir, Uttarakhand, and Himachal Pradesh) 90% of a project

the Union Government funds, and 10% of this cost, is the State Government funds. For the Other States, the Union Government funds around 60% of a project while the remaining 40% is by State Government funds.

Some prominent features of Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana are -

Proper decentralized planning for the building of roads.

Build roads according to the Indian Road Congress and Rural Roads Manual.

3-tier quality management system.

An unbroken flow of funds.

Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana | Gram Sadak Yojana Benefits

The benefits of the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) are -

1. All-weather connection to the hamlets that are least or not connected.

2. Overall Development of the country allows for easy movement of goods and vehicles.

3. There are better employment opportunities for those from villages thanks to road connections.

Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana | Gram Sadak Yojana Eligibility

1. A region must be a habitation. It cannot be a hamlet or revenue village to be eligible for the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY).

2. The Central Government describes habitation as a population cluster residing within an area that remains constant over time. Some of the local words used to describe a habitation are:

Majras, Desam, Hamlets, Tolas, Dhanis

3. The hamlet must have a higher population as per the 2001 Census to be eligible for road connection. The eligible habitations have a population of above 500 persons in plain areas and around 250 persons and above in hilly areas.

Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana | Gram Sadak Yojana Application Process


The list of road works to be taken up under the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana will be finalized each year by the District Panchayat in accordance with the allocation of funds communicated to the district.

The District Panchayat has to ensure along with the consultative process, that the lists of proposed road works are part of the Core Network and that new connectivity is given priority.

Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana | Gram Sadak Yojana Documents Required

The release of the second installment in a year shall be subject to the submission of the following documents:

1. Utilisation Certificate for the funds released earlier, year-wise in the form prescribed.

2. Certificate by the Bank Manager indicating the balance amount on the date of issue of the Certificate and the interest credited.

3. A Certificate regarding the requisite physical completion of works

4. For all releases after October of a year, production of an Audited Statement of Accounts and a Balance Sheet and related Statements, duly certified by the Chartered Accountant for the accounts of the previous financial year.

5. Outputs of the relevant modules of the OMMAS, duly certified by the SRRDA as being correct and verified by the NRIDA

6. A certificate from the CEO of SRRDA that Maintenance funds required as per maintenance contracts in force had been spent during the previous financial year. For releases after May of a year, the certificate should also include that 50% of such maintenance fund requirements for the current Financial Year have been released by the State, whereas for releases after November, the certificate should be for 100% of such funds.

FaQ Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana | Gram Sadak Yojana

Q.Does The Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak YojanaProvide Connectivity To Only Revenue Villages? Are Hamlets Eligible To Be Connected?

Ans.The spirit and objective of Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana-I was to provide good all-weather road connectivity to eligible unconnected habitations. The unit of this programme is a habitation and not a revenue village or a Panchayat. A habitation is a cluster of population, living in an area, the location of which does not change over time. Desam, Dhanis, Tolas, Majras, Hamlets, etc. are commonly used to describe habitations. The population, as recorded in the Census 2001, shall be the basis for determining the population size of the habitation

Q.How Are Habitations Selected For Coverage? Who Decides Which Habitations Will Be Covered In A Year?

Ans.Unconnected habitations are listed as per the priority (generally, habitations with a higher population, as per 2001 Census, would be connected first) and depending upon the funds likely to be made available for the State, the list of road works to be taken up under PMGSY-I will be finalized each year by the District Panchayat through a consultative process involving Panchayati Raj Institutions and elected representatives.

Q.Can An Individual Apply For Road Connectivity?

Ans.The objective of PMGSY-I was to provide road connectivity to unconnected habitations as mentioned in response to Question 1 above. Any proposal for road connectivity may be perceived as per the programme guidelines.

Q.How Is The Problem Of Drainage Tackled In The Portion Of Roads Passing Through Built-Up Residential Areas?

Ans.Road portions passing through built-up residential areas are prone to damages caused by wastewater from households. Programme guidelines provide for the construction of cement concrete pavement or cement/stone block pavements along with covered or uncovered Pucca side drains as per site conditions.

Q.What About Bridges On Rivers/Streams?

Ans.Bridges on rivers/streams crossing the alignment of the road are taken up under the program along with the road proposal. The Ministry issued PMGSY-III guidelines increasing the span of Long-Span Bridges (LSBs) for funding under PMGSY as follows: Up to 200 m in respect of Special Category States and LWE districts identified by the MHA. Upto 150 m in respect of other States.

Q.Whether Compensation For Land Acquisition Is Paid In The Program?

Ans.The rural road is a State subject and it is the responsibility of State Government/ District Panchayat to ensure the availability of land for construction of road works under the programme. In view of the common benefit, generally, the land for construction of roads under PMGSY is made available by the villagers/Panchayat free of cost through voluntary donation. However, in rare cases, if the land is acquired for construction of roads under PMGSY, the State Government is required to pay compensation.

Q.How Are Executants Selected For The Construction Of Roads?

Ans.Executants for construction of roads are selected through open competitive bidding for which well-established procedure for tendering is followed by the State Government. As per provisions, the bidders who have the prescribed qualifications and have the capacity to execute the works are required to take part in the bidding process. To enhance the transparency in tendering and speed up the tendering process, e- procurement of bids has been made mandatory.

Q.If Defects Are Noticed After Completion Of The Road, How Are They Rectified?

Ans.As per provisions of the contract, the contractor is liable for any defect that may occur until 5 years after completion of the road work. To enforce liability of defects, the security amount is deducted from the bills of the contractors. The contractor has to rectify the defect in the above period and if the rectification has not been carried out, the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) is required to rectify the defect and recover the cost from the security deposit of the contractor.

Q.How Is The Quality Of Work Checked And Monitored?

Ans.Every contractor is required to establish a field laboratory in every package of road works in which he/she required to test the quality of material and workmanship under the supervision of executing agency. In addition to checking of quality by departmental officers of executing agency, the State Government is required to deploy independent monitors for monitoring of the quality of road works. Independent National Quality Monitors (NQMs) are also deployed by the Central Government for monitoring the quality of works randomly.

Q.Is There A Provision For The Display Of Project-Related Information At Project Sites?

Ans.Citizen Information Board in the local language containing the following detailed information of work is provided on each work:- Description of every layer of work. Description of the quantity of material involved in work. How the road will be built and description. General information board containing information about executing agency, contractor, estimated cost of work and time for completion is also provided on every worksite.

Q.Whether Information About The Programme Is Available On Any Website?

Ans.Yes, information about the programme and details about every work is available on programme website and Online Monitoring and Management System (OMMS) is being used for effective management and monitoring under the programme. The required data is entered by the field level staff and the State units under this web-based package.

Q.How Are The Roads Maintained?

Ans.Along with the tendering for the construction the routine maintenance of road works for five years after completion of work is also included. Programme guidelines envisage a transfer of road works for maintenance to Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) after 5 years upon completion of the road work.

Q.What Should Be The Population Of Habitations To Be Covered Under PMGSY-I For Providing Connectivity?

Ans.The programme envisages connecting all eligible unconnected habitations by way of an all-weather road as per Core Network with a population of 500 persons (as per 2001 Census) and above in plain areas and 250 persons and above (as per 2001 Census) in the Special Category States (Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim, Tripura Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, and Uttarakhand), Tribal (Schedule-V) areas, the Desert Areas (as identified in Desert Development Programme) and in Selected Tribal and Backward Districts (as identified by the Ministry of Home Affairs/Planning Commission). In the critical 267 Left Wing Extremism (LWE) affected blocks (as identified by MHA), additional relaxation has been given to connect habitations with population 100 persons and above (2001 census).

Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana | Gram Sadak Yojana : Details , Eligibility | प्रधानमंत्री ग्राम सड़क योजना brothers, if you are liked given with the information then plz like and share so that other farmer brothers can also be helped.
