Odisha Mamata Yojana 2024

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Odisha Mamata Yojana | Odisha Mamta Yojana 2024: Online Registration, Benefits & Features | ଓଡିଶା ମମତା ଯୋଜନା 2024 @ wcdodisha.gov.in

Odisha Mamata Yojana:- Various schemes are being launched for the mothers of the state to curb the high maternal and infant mortality. Today we will tell you about a scheme called Odisha Mamata Yojana. Through this initiative, the government is going to provide financial assistance to the pregnant and lactating mothers of the country.

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Through this article we are going to give you complete information about this scheme like Odisha Mamata Yojana. its objectives, benefits, characteristics, eligibility, required documents, application process, etc. So if you are interested in understanding any details of Odisha Mamata Yojana, you should read this article very carefully to the end of the cycle

Objective of Odisha Mamta Yojana

The main objective of Odisha Mamata Yojana is to provide financial incentives to pregnant and lactating mothers so as to reduce maternal and infant mortality and improve health and nutritional status.

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With the help of this financial assistance the woman can get maternal and child care services especially antenatal care, postnatal care, and immunization. Through this scheme, women will get partial wage compensation in the form of financial assistance so that they can rest adequately while pregnant and after delivery.

Deatails of Odisha Mamta Yojana 2024

Name Of The SchemeOdisha Mamata Yojana
Launched ByGovernment Of Odisha
BeneficiaryPregnant And Lactating Women Of Odisha
ObjectiveTo Provide Financial Assistance To The Pregnant And Lactating Women Of Odisha
Official Websitehttp://wcdodisha.gov.in/
Financial AssistanceRs 5000
Application TypeOnline/Offline
DepartmentDepartment Of Women And Child Development


objective of Odisha Mamata Yojana

Odisha Mamata Yojana is operational in all 28 districts of Odisha except Bargarh and Sundargarh. Under this scheme, all those women who have attained at least 19 years of age and are either pregnant or lactating will get the benefit of this scheme.

The benefit of this scheme will be provided only for the first two live births. Government / public sector undertaking employees and their wives cannot take the benefit of Odisha Mamta Yojana.

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The beneficiary is required to report the age, number of live births, and employment status in the prescribed format. If the beneficiary wrongfully claims the benefit amount under this scheme then the amount paid to the beneficiary will be recovered.


First Installment: Rs 3000 will be provided under the first installment. This assistance will be provided during the third trimester of pregnancy. The beneficiary has to fulfill the below-mentioned five conditions in order to get the benefit amount:-

  • Pregnancy registered with Anganwadi center/Mini Anganwadi center
  • Have to Receive at least two antenatal check-ups
  • Received IFA tablets
  • Have Received at least one TT vaccination
  • Received at least one counselling session at AWC/ village health and nutrition day/ home visit

Second Installment: After 10 months of delivery Rs 2,000 will give to the beneficiaries. In order to get the second installment, the beneficiary has to fulfill the below-mentioned 11 conditions:-

  1. Childbirth should register at AWC or HSC
  2. Before attaining the age of 1 year the child should have received vitamin A first dose
  3. The child should have received rotavirus 1,2 and 3 vaccination
  4. Before attaining the age of 1 year the child should have received a measles vaccination
  5. The child should have received 1, 2, and 3 polio vaccination
  6. The child should have received a BCG vaccination
  7. Pentavalent 1, 2, and 3 vaccination should have been received by the child
  8. After delivery till 9 months, the mother should have attended at least 6 growth monitoring and IYCF counseling sessions
  9. The childhood have been fed age-appropriate complementary feeding and continuing(self-certification)
  10. After attaining the age of 6 months the child should have been introduced to complimentary food(self-certification)
  11. The child should have been exclusively breastfed for six months(self-certification)

Odisha Mamata Yojana Payment

  1. Under Odisha, Mamata Yojana transfer of amount will take place through e transfer
  2. The beneficiary will not allow taking the benefit amount through cash or cheque
  3. The beneficiary has to open a bank account herself.
  4. The amount of Rs 5000 will transfer into the bank account of the beneficiaries
  5. This amount will transfer in two installments
  6. The first installment will be Rs 3000
  7. The second installment will be Rs 2,000

Eligibility Criteria of Odisha Mamata Yojana

The applicant should be a permanent resident of Odisha Applicants must be 19 years of age or older Applicants should register at Anganwadi Center Only pregnant or breastfeeding women can use this plan The benefits of this program can only benefit the first two live births Government/public sector employees and their spouses are not eligible to avail of this scheme

Documents Neeeded 

  1. Aadhar card
  2. Residence certificate
  3. Photocopies of MCP card
  4. Self-declaration form
  5. Bank account details
  6. Passport size photograph
  7. Mobile number
  8. Ration card

Procedure To Download Odisha Mamta Scheme Anganwadi Centre Pregnancy Survey Form

  • First of all go to the official website of the department of women and child development and mission Shakti, Government of Odisha
 Odisha Mamta Scheme
  • The home page will open before you
  • On the homepage, to click on ICDS Option.
  • Now you have to click on Mamta
 Odisha Mamta Scheme
  • After that, you have to click on the revised Mamta guidelines
revised Mamta guidelines
  • Now you have to scroll down in this document
  • Odisha Mamata scheme Anganwadi centre pregnancy survey form will be on your computer screen
  • You can download it by clicking on the download option


Procedure To Download Mamata Scheme Undertaking By The Beneficiary

  • Go to the official website of the department of women and child development and mission Shakti, Government of Odisha
  • The home page will open before you
  • Now click on ICDS Option.
  • After that, you have to click on Mamta
  • Now you have to click on the revised Mamta guidelines
revised Mamta guidelines
  • A document will appear before you
  • You have to scroll down this document
  • Mamta scheme undertaken by the beneficiary form will appear on your screen
  • Now you have to click on the download option
  • The undertaking form will download to your device

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Q.What is the Objective of Odisha Mamta Yojana ?

Ans.Odisha Mamata Yojana is operational in all 28 districts of Odisha except Bargarh and Sundargarh. Under this scheme, all those women who have attained at least 19 years of age and are either pregnant or lactating will get the benefit of this scheme.

Q.What is the Eligibility Criteria of Odisha Mamata Yojana ?

Ans.The applicant should be a permanent resident of Odisha Applicants must be 19 years of age or older Applicants should register at Anganwadi Center Only pregnant or breastfeeding women can use this plan The benefits of this program can only benefit the first two live births Government/public sector employees and their spouses are not eligible to avail of this scheme

Odisha Mamata Yojana | Odisha Mamta Yojana 2024: Online Registration, Benefits & Features | ଓଡିଶା ମମତା ଯୋଜନା 2024 @ wcdodisha.gov.in
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